Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

The Physics of Foraminifera

Environmental pressure, reproductive strategy, vertical migration, strength rigidity and elasticity, pseudopodia, tests or shell geometry, openings

Carolyn Denton, Emma Bussiéres, Rachel Jiang, Reno Thompson

Discussion of Nature’s Design Solutions in Tintinnids: Masters of Microzooplankton Survival

Tintinnids, plankton, geometry, buoyancy, swimming, aquatic ecosystems

Alexa Bailey, Lou Cubberly, Margaux-Blondin Routhier, Niall Slack-Watkins

Frustules: Design solutions in Diatoms

Diatoms, frustules, elasticity, light properties, buoyancy

Peter Matthews-Crochetiere, Daniel Ibrahim, Wenan Liao, Cedric Mackay

Spines: The Multitudes and Multi-functionalities of their Mechanisms

Spines, quills, structural design, defense mechanisms, material properties, biomimicry

Coty Ma, Alexandra Schuck, Éloïse Soderböm, Dan Voicu

A Chemical Review of Animal Tongue Functions

Tongue, Chemical Cues/Chemosensors, Adhesion, Hunt, Taste Discrimination, Mucin, Evolution

Shunyuan Xiao, Marc Srour, Sophie Allard

Resonating Devices in Nature for Communication and Information Reception

Acoustic Resonance, Harmonics, Mating, Tymbals and Tympanas, Helmholtz Resonator, Echolocation, Vibration

Archinlin Wang, Henry Stephenson, Syphax Ramdani, Zachary Flynn

A Biomechanical Review of Animal Tongue Functions

Tongue, Non-Newtonian, Surface Roughness, Feeding and Prey-Catching, Saliva, Biomimicry, Elastic Energy

Shunyuan Xiao, Marc Srour, Sophie Allard

Biomineralization in Mollusks and Brachiopods

Biomineralization/Calcification and Crystallization, Self Defense/Defense Mechanism, Shells, Mineralization Inhibitors, Growth, Imaging, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

Elliott Cole, Gabriel Linaje-Ferrel, Mikaela Phung, Salma Oraichi

Essential Nutrient and Microbiota Transfers Through Trophic Levels

Trophic levels, nutrition, fatty acids, vitamins, biochemistry

Andrew Xie, Dalya Messaoudi, Laurier Gauvin, Reefah Kabir

An Overview of Transport-Related Interspecies Relationships

Transport, Symbiosis, Attachment Mechanics, Hydrodynamics, Interspecies Interactions

Dorothy Ma, Beth Cushnie, Anh Ngo, Tanoulu Li

Bioinformatics and Sensory Function of Mammalian Fur: An Analysis of Coat Patterning, Whiskers, and Trigger Hairs

sensing, Turing patterns, whiskers, venus flytraps, mammals, follicles

Marc Amin, Lovéni Hanumunthadu, Matthew MacDonald, Thibaud Roy

The Design of the Spine

Bison, spines, musculoskeletal system, 3D modelling, spinal injuries

Ahmed Bawany, Bianca Dubois, Yzza M’sahi, Michael Parsons

Information Storage and Processing as Part of Pattern Formation, Photoreception, Thermoreception, and Mechanoreception of the Integument

Information storage, integument, Turing patterns, feedback loops, sensing

Juyoun Bae, Andrei Bocan, Justin Charney, Lan Anh Huynh

Closed Kinematic Chains: A New Perspective and Analysis of Biological Ability

Kinematic chains, joints, tension, tendons, closed-chain models, locomotion

Andrea Khoury, Nikki Lal, Spencer Levine, Laura Camila Penuela Cardenas

Molecular Design of the Spine and Spinal Cord

Spinal cord, spine, evolution, signal propagation, regeneration

Ahmed Bawany, Bianca Dubois, Yzza M’sahi, Michael Parsons

Molecular and Histological Structures of Generic Mammalian Hair and Fur

Keratin, protein structure, fur, hair, hydrophobicity, growth cycles

Marc Amin, Lovéni Hanumunthadu, Matthew MacDonald, Thibaud Roy

Biological Design for Lungs and Gills: Biomolecular and Chemical Engineering

Lungs, gills, diffusion, cellular respiration, biochemistry, surfactants

Samuel Bernard, Nabhaan Farooqi, Camille Gagnon, Will Vyse

Marvels of Eggshell Pigmentation: Why Eggshells Vary so Greatly in Color and Pattern

Avian eggs, pigmentation, camouflage, thermoregulation, structural functionality, parasitism, birds

Leticia Le Goff, Ula Mastej, Jake Pringle, Ryan Romero

The Heart: A Biochemical and Cellular Perspective

Calcium Signaling, Action Potential, Heart, Pacemaker, Regeneration

Anne-Sarah Dickman, Lina El Kesti, Junqi Wang, Angela Zhu

Healing, Mechanical Loading, and Water-harvesting with Integument Structures and their Biomimetic Applications

Biomimicry, Integument Structures, Wound-Healing, Water-Harvesting, Mechanical Loading

Juyoun Bae, Andrei Bocan, Justin Charney, Lan Anh Huynh