Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

Mathematical Marvels of Foraminifera

Adaptation, pore patterns, symbiosis in microeukaryotes, calcification and acidification, shell growth/development, morphogenesis, symbiosis

Emma Bussières, Carolyn Denton, Reno Thompson, Xiao (Rachel) Jiang

Deciphering Daphnia Dynamics: A Mathematical Odyssey into Aquatic Ecosystems

Trophic interactions or food web, parthenogenesis, game theory, movement and migration, phenotypic plasticity, predator-prey

Eva Otell, Iris Sun, Marwan Sobh, Xinying Wang, Rémi Ouellette

Mathematical Analysis of Amoebas

Motility, crystal, optimization, maze-solving, swarm, oxidation

Hailey Jukes, Adele Omichinski, Nicholas Da-Costa-Bastidas, Gil Qin

The Mathematics of Tardigrade Behavior and Development

Tardigrades, 3D modeling, feeding, optimization, allometry, trophic networks

Luccia Jabbour, Eden Karp-Foster, Jeremy Lachance, Wadi Zahka

Mathematical Modelling of Dinoflagellate Swimming, Population Dynamics and Interactions with Other Organisms

Dinoflagellates, vertical migration, population modeling, growth modeling, carrying capacity

Thalia Azadian, Arda Barlas, Sophia Chen, Simon Girard

The Mathematical Principles Pertaining to Coccolithophores

Coccolithophores, geometry, 3D modeling, vestigial haptonema, growth modeling

Megan Farrow, Zackary Murphy, Minh Tri Pham, Jia Yi Yu

Exploring Aquatic Fungi Through Mathematical Tools

Aquatic fungi, mathematical models, population modeling, decomposition, bioremediation

Izabela Junqueira Magalhaes, Kristina Kerkelova, Ruizhi Liu, Yasmine Sadr Kaufmann

Exploration of Mathematical Laws Governing Claws and their Applications within Flying Animals, Terrestrial Pests, and Amniotes

Mathematical Modeling, Claws, Logarithmic Growth and Spiral, Niche, Biomimicry, Digging, Predator-Prey

Liela Andringa, Alan Fu, Alex Jung, Oscar Cruz Hernandez

Mathematical Modeling of the Antler Growth Cycle

Mathematical Modeling, Antler, Growth Cycle and Growth Rate, Photogrammetry, Handicap Principle, Memory

Laurianne Daoust, Félix Lavoie, Annabelle Huynh-Rondeau, Erica Song

Mathematical Modeling of Animal Tongues

Tongues, Mathematical Modeling, Elastic Strain-Energy, Capillary Siphon, Biomechanics, Algorithm, Fluid Dynamics

Shunyuan Xiao, Marc Srour, Sophie Allard

Population Dynamics for Mutualistic Relationships

Population dynamics, mutualistic relationships, bees, moths, parasites, ecology

Beth Cushnie, Dorothy Ma, Anh Ngo, Tanoulu Li

Mathematical Framework for Animal Foraging Patterns and Forager Population Dynamics

Foraging patterns, Levy processes, marginal value theorem, population dynamics, stochastic models

Ella Gadoury, Emma Lee, Floriane Baudin, Tian Rui Wang

Stable Isotope Analysis: Predictive Power and Challenges

Stable isotopes, probability, migration, paleoecology, geology

Graeme McDougall, Jeongbin Shin, Mona Wang, Ritchie Yu

The Design of the Spine

Bison, spines, musculoskeletal system, 3D modelling, spinal injuries

Ahmed Bawany, Bianca Dubois, Yzza M’sahi, Michael Parsons

Cephalopods and their Beak

Cephalopods, beaks, mechanics, feeding, biomimicry

Palmyra Mendoza Cabrer, Karina Carlson, Rylee Mcdonald, Michael Weldon

Information Storage and Processing as Part of Pattern Formation, Photoreception, Thermoreception, and Mechanoreception of the Integument

Information storage, integument, Turing patterns, feedback loops, sensing

Juyoun Bae, Andrei Bocan, Justin Charney, Lan Anh Huynh

How Computers and Robotics Helped Us Understand Flippers

Flippers, biometrics, fluid dynamics, Reynolds number, biomimicry, swimming

McKenna Baron, Nour Hanna, Guillaume Rodier, Gabriel Straface