Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

A Mathematical Analysis of Hydra

Turing pattern, regeneration, microbial symbiosis or holobiont, feedback, topology and toplogical defects

Jessica Coulson, Magnus Duffy, Ruolin Hu, Shilong Zheng

A Chemical Analysis of Hydra

Regeneration mechanisms, neurotoxins, innate immunity, morphogenesis, antimicrobial peptides, toll-like receptors or bacterial recognition

Jessica Coulson, Magnus Duffy, Ruolin Hu, Shilong Zheng

Deciphering Daphnia Dynamics: A Mathematical Odyssey into Aquatic Ecosystems

Trophic interactions or food web, parthenogenesis, game theory, movement and migration, phenotypic plasticity, predator-prey

Eva Otell, Iris Sun, Marwan Sobh, Xinying Wang, Rémi Ouellette

Daphnia’s Chemical Interactions: Varying Conditions Require Varying Responses

Predator-prey, environmental stressors, bioindicator, adaptation, bioremediation, kairomone, diel vertical migration

Eva Otell, Iris Sun, Marwan Sobh, Rémi Ouellete, Xinying Wang

Phenotypic Adaptation of Daphnia Throughout Evolution

Compound eye, swimming, adaptation, defense mechanisms, Stokes' law

Eva Otell, Iris Sun, Marwan Sobh, Rémi Ouellette, Xinying Wang

Copepods Through the Lens of Chemistry

Pigmentation, symbiotic, chemoreception, bioluminescence, crustacean, toxin

Johanna Turton, Melodi Rousset, Philippe Mercier, Tanjin Sultana

Coral Polyps and the Chemical Symphony of Survival

Coral polyps, biomineralization, crystals, calcification, symbiotic relationships, cellular respiration, coral bleaching

Michael Beyrouthy, Cris Izzi, Claudio Petroni, Alex Tsiskakis

Copepods Through the Lens of Math

Low-Reynolds, swimming, diel vertical migration, reflectance, molting, coloration, crustacean

Johanna Turton, Melodi Rousset, Philippe Mercier, Tanjin Sultana

Copepods Through the Lens of Physics

Mechanoreception, low reynolds, clap and fling or Weis-Fog, fluid mechanics, Wagner effect, coloration

Johanna Turton, Melodi Rousset, Philippe Mercier, Tanjin Sultana

Mathematical Marine Models of Coral Polyps

Coral polyps, geometry, branching, environmental modeling, fractals, hyperbolic geometry

Michael Beyrouthy, Cris Izzi, Claudio Petroni, Alex Tsiskakis

The Physics of Coral Polyps

Coral polyps, hydrodynamics, sensing, feeding, anisotropy, photoreceptors

Michael Beyrouthy, Cris Izzi, Claudio Petroni, Alex Tsiskakis

The Physical Properties of Fats in Mammals

Fats, adipose tissue, hibernation, blubber, mechanical models

Milana Farah, Josh Negenman, Michelle Sayeh, Edward Tong

Spines: The Multitudes and Multi-functionalities of their Mechanisms

Spines, quills, structural design, defense mechanisms, material properties, biomimicry

Coty Ma, Alexandra Schuck, Éloïse Soderböm, Dan Voicu

Spiky Surprises: The Chemistry of Spines and Quills

Spine, Quills, Keratin, Collagen, Biomineralization

Coty Ma, Alexandra Schuck, Éloise Soderböm, Dan Voicu

A Comparison of Keratin Use in Pangolin, Reptile, and Bird Scales

Keratin, Pangolin, Reptile, Bird, Scales, Integumentary System, Feather

Eve Barrette-Vanasse, Anne-Frederic Laurin, Rus Trana, Jun Xiao

The Mechanics of Antler Bone: A Weapon for Courtship

Antler, Bone, Mechanical Properties, Hydration, Crack Propagation, Courtship, Anistropy

Laurianne Daoust, Annabelle Huynh-Rondeau, Félix Lavoie, Erica Song

Exploration of Mathematical Laws Governing Claws and their Applications within Flying Animals, Terrestrial Pests, and Amniotes

Mathematical Modeling, Claws, Logarithmic Growth and Spiral, Niche, Biomimicry, Digging, Predator-Prey

Liela Andringa, Alan Fu, Alex Jung, Oscar Cruz Hernandez

Investigation into Claw Keratin and Applications within Felines and Venomous Species

Claw, Keratin, Venom/Toxin, Semiochemical, Communication

Liela Andringa, Alan Fu, Alex Jung, Oscar Cruz Hernandez

Mathematical Modeling of the Antler Growth Cycle

Mathematical Modeling, Antler, Growth Cycle and Growth Rate, Photogrammetry, Handicap Principle, Memory

Laurianne Daoust, Félix Lavoie, Annabelle Huynh-Rondeau, Erica Song

A Biomechanical Review of Animal Tongue Functions

Tongue, Non-Newtonian, Surface Roughness, Feeding and Prey-Catching, Saliva, Biomimicry, Elastic Energy

Shunyuan Xiao, Marc Srour, Sophie Allard