Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

Daphnia’s Chemical Interactions: Varying Conditions Require Varying Responses

Predator-prey, environmental stressors, bioindicator, adaptation, bioremediation, kairomone, diel vertical migration

Eva Otell, Iris Sun, Marwan Sobh, Rémi Ouellete, Xinying Wang

The Metabolism and Movement of Dinoflagellate from a Chemical Perspective

Dinoflagellates, toxins, photosynthesis, bioluminescence, sensing, metabolism

Thalia Azadian, Arda Barlas, Sophia Chen, Simon Girard

Underwater Chemists: Discussion of Design Solutions in Tintinnid Ciliates

Tintinnids, digestion, reproduction, navigation, bioindicators, biochemical pathways

Alexa Bailey, Lou Cubberly, Margaux-Blondin Routhier, Niall Slack-Watkins

Speed, Sense, and Strike: The Biochemistry of Tentacles and their Chemical Interactions with the Environment

Tentacles, muscle tissue, suction, regeneration, sensing, signal propagation

Yousif Al Shajlawi, Henry Bain, Charles Barakett, Julianna Bede

A Biochemical and Cellular Analysis of Auto Regenerative, Venomous, and Hormonally Influenced Tails

Tails, Regeneration, Venom/Toxin, Hormones, Adaptation, Genes/Gene Expression, Immunity

Moriah Campbell, Martin Pone, Clementine Ruiz

A Chemical Review of Animal Tongue Functions

Tongue, Chemical Cues/Chemosensors, Adhesion, Hunt, Taste Discrimination, Mucin, Evolution

Shunyuan Xiao, Marc Srour, Sophie Allard

Investigation into Claw Keratin and Applications within Felines and Venomous Species

Claw, Keratin, Venom/Toxin, Semiochemical, Communication

Liela Andringa, Alan Fu, Alex Jung, Oscar Cruz Hernandez

Regulation of the Gut and its Effect on Animal Behavior

Gastrointestinal system, gut microbiome, biochemical pathways, neurotransmitters, complex system of equations

Trevor Hum, Xavier Santerre, Kyle Vamvakas, Mathilde Wagner

The Heart: Information and Storage Processing

Heart, electrical circuits, electrocardiogram, signal propagation, signal processing

Anne-Sarah Dickman, Lina El Kesti, Junqi Wang, Angela Zhu

Molecular Design of the Spine and Spinal Cord

Spinal cord, spine, evolution, signal propagation, regeneration

Ahmed Bawany, Bianca Dubois, Yzza M’sahi, Michael Parsons

Biomolecular Factors for Immunity, Color Change, and Mechanical Strength of the Integument

Integument System, Chromatophores and Color Change, Glands, Cell Junctions, Immunity

Juyoun Bae, Andrei Bocan, Justin Charney, Lan Anh Huynh

The Heart: A Biochemical and Cellular Perspective

Calcium Signaling, Action Potential, Heart, Pacemaker, Regeneration

Anne-Sarah Dickman, Lina El Kesti, Junqi Wang, Angela Zhu

Healing, Mechanical Loading, and Water-harvesting with Integument Structures and their Biomimetic Applications

Biomimicry, Integument Structures, Wound-Healing, Water-Harvesting, Mechanical Loading

Juyoun Bae, Andrei Bocan, Justin Charney, Lan Anh Huynh

A Ton of Mechanical Advantages: Analyzing the Remarkable Structure of Elephant Limbs

Elephant, Seismic Sensitivity/Vibrations, Mechanical Adaptation, Evolution, Cushion/Compression Resistance, Imaging

Andrea Khoury, Nikki Lal, Spencer Levine, Laura Camila Penuela Cardenas