Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

Category: Arthropods (Arachnids, Crustaceans, Insects)

Comparison of Antenna and Whisker Functions in Different Environments

Antennae, whiskers, sensing, signal processing, mechanosensing

Yen Chuang, Giselle De Leon, Anna Xuyao Shi, Ella (Yaxin) Wang

A Chemical Perspective on the Carapace

Carapace, biochemistry, tissue composition, molting, pigmentation

Elisabeth Lawton, Emma Geoffroy, Osandi Hewage, Yitao Sun

Crab Chelae Allometry and Implications on Game-Theoretic Armament Evolution

Crab pincers, chelae, allometry, morphology, force distribution, Game theory

Emilia Bridgeman, Claire Levasseur, Maxim Petkun, Alain Peng Zhang

A Geometrical Analysis of Different Animals’ Carapace

Carapace, turtle shells, tessellation patterns, Turing patterns, Voronoi patterns, structural functionality

Elisabeth Lawton, Emma Geoffroy, Osandi Hewage, Yitao Sun

A Taste of Trunks: Self-Cleaning Properties and Gustatory Responses of the Proboscis

Trunk, proboscis, hydrophobic properties, gustatory response, chemosensing, sensory organs

Han Ru Liu, Letizia Marello, Liam Sterne, Kori Zhang

The Metabolic and Regulatory Roles of Adipose Tissue in Organisms

Metabolism, adipose tissue, fats, lipids, thermogenesis, endocrine functions

Edward Tong, Josh Negenman, Michelle Sayeh, Milana Farah

The Life Cycle of the Whiskers and Antennae of Animals and Insects 

Whiskers, antennae, barbels, sensing, receptors, morphology, regeneration

Yen Chuang, Giselle De Leon, Anna Xuyao Shi, Ella (Yaxin) Wang

A Biochemical Review of Exoskeletal and Muscular Pincer Components and Biomimetic Applications

Bouligand, Pincer, Calcium Carbonate, Stress, Mineralization, Molting, Biomimicry

Emilia Bridgeman, Claire Levasseur, Maxim Petkun, Alain Peng Zhang

A Multi-Functional Armor: Carapaces’ Roles in Different Animals

Carapace, Mineralization, Turtle, Keratin/Collagen, Armadillo, Bettle, Biomimicry

Elisabeth Lawton, Emma Geoffroy, Osandi Hewage, Yitao Sun

Exploration of Mathematical Laws Governing Claws and their Applications within Flying Animals, Terrestrial Pests, and Amniotes

Mathematical Modeling, Claws, Logarithmic Growth and Spiral, Niche, Biomimicry, Digging, Predator-Prey

Liela Andringa, Alan Fu, Alex Jung, Oscar Cruz Hernandez

Review of the Mechanical, Structural, and Physical Properties of Pincers: An Evolutionary Wonder

Pincer, Defense Mechanisms, Chelae, Evolution, Bouligand, Hardness/Elasticity

Emilia Bridgeman, Claire Levasseur, Maxim Petkun, Alain Peng Zhang

Evolution of Human Models Representing the Complexity of the Jaw and its Functionalities

Jaws, Lever, Biomechanics, Kinematic Chains, Evolution, Feeding Mechanisms

Michelle Levy, Riwa Itani, Irene Simier, Joseph Marsilio