Biomechanics and Biophysics

Review of the Mechanical, Structural, and Physical Properties of Pincers: An Evolutionary Wonder

Abstract Pincers (alternatively known as chelae) are an integral and signature part of many arthropods. From arachnids to crustaceans, pincers exhibit critical functional roles in survival. The pincers of scorpions are notably multifunctional with their importance in seizing and capturing prey while inflicting pain and deterring predators. In crustaceans, chelae

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Resonating Devices in Nature for Communication and Information Reception

ABSTRACT Vibrations and resonance are pervasive means of communication and information reception in the animal kingdom. The tools, appendages, and organs used by an animal to amplify vibrations are known as resonating devices, which are the focus of this review. Animals from cicadas to lions employ resonating devices for functions

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A Biomechanical Review of Animal Tongue Functions

Abstract The animal kingdom is characterized by an astonishing diversity in tongue morphologies, functions and mechanical abilities. Through evolution, different animal tongues have adapted to perform complex mechanical functions in prey-catching and feeding in order to ensure the survival of their species. Chameleons possess the ability to ballistically project their

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Jaws: Terrific yet Terrifying

ABSTRACT Jaws are an amazing system as they can contribute to many aspects of life such as eating, defence, locomotion, etc. Each species has specific needs and thus each set of jaws tends to be adapted to fit these demands. In the animal kingdom, some jaws show unique characteristics, which

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Mathematical Modeling of Animal Tongues

Abstract Mathematical modeling of animal tongue functions has improved the understanding of the animal kingdom and how species have evolved to efficiently perform tasks necessary for their survival. The chameleon can rapidly project its tongue, achieving large extension distances due to energy storage within the geometric structures of their tongues.

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Mechanical Overview of Mollusk Shell Formation and Structure

Abstract For mollusks to thrive in ecosystems swarming with predators and harsh environmental conditions, their shells have acquired specific characteristics aiming to minimize the mechanical energy from external and internal stresses. This research focuses on four such structural adaptations: coiling, ribbing, spines, and shell microarchitecture. Each of these structures has

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Chemical Mechanisms of Resonating Devices in Animals for Communication and Information Reception

Abstract Acoustic resonance is a highly effective method of communication and information reception in the animal kingdom, pervasively employed by creatures as small as the 4mm Nuctenea sclopetaria spider and as large as  the colossal Orcinus orca (killer whale). Resonance is often achieved either via specialized organs or an extended

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Mathematical Models of Molluscan Shell Patterns and Morphology

Abstract Mollusk shells’ mesmerizing diversity of forms stems from their variations in shape, features and patterns. While these forms are highly complex and diverse, research has aimed to establish an overarching model that explains the formation of these shell characteristics. This essay explores the mathematical models that capture these natural

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