Sensory System

An Analysis of Sensors and Systems of Artificial Noses

Abstract In the past couple decades, the field of artificial organs has seen immense progress, such as more comfortable prosthetic limbs and artificial livers. However, in recent years, a need for a technology able to detect the presence of molecules that the human nose cannot has emerged, leading to the

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Visual Lateralization in the Animal Kingdom

Introduction The vertebrate brain has succeeded in the specialization of different traits and abilities through dividing it into two hemispheres, where the left hemisphere is better than the right one when conducting certain tasks, and vice versa. This specialization, called brain lateralization, also effects vision in vertebrates. In fact, visual

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Information Storage and Processing Analysis: The Barn Owl Ear

Abstract This report intends to discuss the organ of the ear from an information storage and processing perspective. To do so, the ear of the barn owl is used as a reference. The function of the barn owl ear from such a perspective will first be examined, followed by a

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Taste in Birds

Introduction For a long time, it was agreed that birds did not have a sense of taste, or that if they did, it was minimal (Rowland et al., 2015). In fact, research into whether they even had taste buds only began 50 years after taste organs were described for fish,

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Biological Design for Lungs and Gills: Biomolecular and Chemical Engineering

Abstract This report describes two of the most important gas exchangers for all living animals: lungs and gills. Throughout the research, cutaneous respiration will also be explained, however, the most efficient oxygen diffusing rates are obtained through lungs and gills, which are our main concern. The purpose of this biological

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Cellular and Echolocation Analysis: The Bat Ear

Abstract This report intends to analyze and discuss the organ of the ear from a biomolecular, cellular and tissue engineering perspective. To understand the general function of the ear from such a perspective, a focus is first placed on mammalian ears, more particularly on human ears, with the objective of

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Biomolecular Design of Veins and Arteries

Abstract  The designs that enable arteries and veins to execute their functions are the products of evolutionary processes. This report explores this notion within the framework of biomolecular, cellular, and tissue engineering. Nitric oxide will be presented as an example of how blood vessels employ biochemicals to maintain homeostasis. Biosensor

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The Biomolecular Design of the Eye

Introduction In “The Optical Properties of Camera Eyes” the optical properties of the camera-type eye and how light can properly converge light onto the retina to endow an organism with a clear picture of its surroundings were discussed (Gedik et al., 2020). To summarize, the camera eye of many animal

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The Biochemical Basis for Olfaction

Introduction Often, only the sense of sight and hearing are considered essential to understanding the world in which humans live in. In practice, however, the sense of smell, or olfaction, plays an important role in everyday tasks that are taken for granted. For example, the ability to taste food is

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Lost a limb? No Problem!

Abstract Life in the wild is extremely harsh. Major injuries such as the loss of a limb can quickly turn fatal for many animals if they are not protected by other individuals. Since an event like this is extremely dangerous if left unrepaired, many animals across vast phyla have evolved

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Biomolecular Factors for Immunity, Color Change, and Mechanical Strength of the Integument

Introduction  The skin is a highly complex organ. It contains many components which allow it to fulfil its functions. These components include various cells and proteins which are regulated by intricate biological pathways. Across different organisms, there is a large variety of these components, which exist at several levels of complexity

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The Optical Properties of Camera Eyes

Introduction Sight undeniably plays a crucial role in the lives of many organisms on Earth. Many species heavily rely on sight for their survival; vision provides to them the early warning stimuli signaling the presence of a threat. However, it also enriches our perception of our surroundings, giving it color,

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