Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

Category: Signals and Systems

Closed Kinematic Chains: A New Perspective and Analysis of Biological Ability

Kinematic chains, joints, tension, tendons, closed-chain models, locomotion

Andrea Khoury, Nikki Lal, Spencer Levine, Laura Camila Penuela Cardenas

Information Storage and Processing Analysis: The Barn Owl Ear

Barn owls, ear anatomy, sound localization, frequency, sensing

Alessio Palladino, Laura Jahchan, Aidan Licoppe, Shu Yuan Zhang

Biological Design for Lungs and Gills: Biomolecular and Chemical Engineering

Lungs, gills, diffusion, cellular respiration, biochemistry, surfactants

Samuel Bernard, Nabhaan Farooqi, Camille Gagnon, Will Vyse

Cellular and Echolocation Analysis: The Bat Ear

Ear anatomy, bats, echolocation, biomimicry, signal processing, frequency

Laura Jahchan, Aidan Licoppe, Alessio Palladino, Shu Yuan Zhang

Biomolecular Design of Veins and Arteries

Vascular system, nitric oxide, biosensors, tissue engineering, endothelial cells

Akash Aniche, Hubert Laflamme, Deisha Paliwal, Julianna Raabel

The Biochemical Basis for Olfaction

Olfaction and Odorant Molecules, Signal Transduction, Sensory Neurons, Pheromones, Hunting

Curtis Ehlert, Ingi El Shahid, Liv Toft, Mary Wan

Lost a limb? No Problem!

Regeneration, Progenitor and Stem Cells, Epimorphosis, Morphallaxis, Adaptation

Andrea Khoury, Nikki Lal, Spencer Levine, Laura Camila Penuela Cardenas

A Ton of Mechanical Advantages: Analyzing the Remarkable Structure of Elephant Limbs

Elephant, Seismic Sensitivity/Vibrations, Mechanical Adaptation, Evolution, Cushion/Compression Resistance, Imaging

Andrea Khoury, Nikki Lal, Spencer Levine, Laura Camila Penuela Cardenas