Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

Category: Industry Applications and Technology

The Hydrodynamic Advantages of Shark Scales

Scales, sharks, hydrodynamics, drag, 3D modelling, fluid dynamics

Eve Barrette-Vanasse, Anne-Frederic Laurin, Rus Trana, Jun Xiao

A Biochemical Review of Exoskeletal and Muscular Pincer Components and Biomimetic Applications

Bouligand, Pincer, Calcium Carbonate, Stress, Mineralization, Molting, Biomimicry

Emilia Bridgeman, Claire Levasseur, Maxim Petkun, Alain Peng Zhang

A Comparison of Keratin Use in Pangolin, Reptile, and Bird Scales

Keratin, Pangolin, Reptile, Bird, Scales, Integumentary System, Feather

Eve Barrette-Vanasse, Anne-Frederic Laurin, Rus Trana, Jun Xiao

Mathematical Modeling of Aerodynamic Functions of Aquatic and Avian Tails

Mathematical Modeling, Aerodynamics, Tails, Fin, Stiffness, Resonance, Propulsion

Moriah Campbell, Martin Pone, Clementine Ruiz

The Diverse Mechanical Functions of Claws within Locomotion and Predator-Prey Relation

Claws, Predator-Prey, Locomotion, Climbing, Hardness, Perching

Liela Andringa, Alan Fu, Alex Jung, Oscar Cruz Hernandez

Exploration of Mathematical Laws Governing Claws and their Applications within Flying Animals, Terrestrial Pests, and Amniotes

Mathematical Modeling, Claws, Logarithmic Growth and Spiral, Niche, Biomimicry, Digging, Predator-Prey

Liela Andringa, Alan Fu, Alex Jung, Oscar Cruz Hernandez

Review of the Mechanical, Structural, and Physical Properties of Pincers: An Evolutionary Wonder

Pincer, Defense Mechanisms, Chelae, Evolution, Bouligand, Hardness/Elasticity

Emilia Bridgeman, Claire Levasseur, Maxim Petkun, Alain Peng Zhang

The Hormone-Dependent Regenerative Basis of Antlers

Hormone, Antlers, Stem Cells, Regeneration and Regenerative Medicine, X-ray, Mineral Intake and Mineralization

Laurianne Daoust, Félix Lavoie, Annabelle Huynh-Rondeau, Erica Song

A Biomechanical Review of Animal Tongue Functions

Tongue, Non-Newtonian, Surface Roughness, Feeding and Prey-Catching, Saliva, Biomimicry, Elastic Energy

Shunyuan Xiao, Marc Srour, Sophie Allard

Biomineralization in Mollusks and Brachiopods

Biomineralization/Calcification and Crystallization, Self Defense/Defense Mechanism, Shells, Mineralization Inhibitors, Growth, Imaging, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

Elliott Cole, Gabriel Linaje-Ferrel, Mikaela Phung, Salma Oraichi

Jaws: Terrific yet Terrifying

Jaws, Chitin, Elastin and Collagen, Hunting and Feeding, Venom, Fang, Biomechanics

Michelle Levy, Riwa Itani, Irene Simier, Joseph Marsilio

Mathematical Modeling of Animal Tongues

Tongues, Mathematical Modeling, Elastic Strain-Energy, Capillary Siphon, Biomechanics, Algorithm, Fluid Dynamics

Shunyuan Xiao, Marc Srour, Sophie Allard