Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

Category: Differential Equations

Mathematical Models of Molluscan Shell Patterns and Morphology

Molluscs, Shells, Growth, Mechanical Energy Dissipation, Reaction Diffusion, Pigmentation, Mathematical Modeling

Elliott Cole, Gabriel Linaje-Ferrel, Salma Oraichi, Mikaela Phung

Mathematical Modeling of the Molting Process

Molting, mathematical modelling, fur, feathers, exoskeleton, statistics

Sidrah Alousi-Jones, Le Chen, Léanne Gauthier, Haley Janvrin

Population Dynamics for Mutualistic Relationships

Population dynamics, mutualistic relationships, bees, moths, parasites, ecology

Beth Cushnie, Dorothy Ma, Anh Ngo, Tanoulu Li

The Gravity of Connectivity in Migratory Birds During a Climate Emergency

Birds, migration, pathogen transmission, climate change, population modelling

Taymour Elgamal, Trina Fearon, Karim Mustafa

Quantifying Skin Patterns: Mathematical Interpretations of Camouflaging Techniques in Animals

Camouflage, Turing patterns, saliency mapping, mathematical modelling, cheetahs

Christopher Coluni, John Eric Hamilton, Olivia Lopardo, Olivier Morin

Courtship and Mating Within Evolutionary Game

Game theory, courtship, mating, evolution, mathematical modelling

Liam Fetherstonhaugh, Joseph Grotsky, Chloe Jacquet, Samuel Nidelli

Mathematical Models of Predator-Prey Population Dynamics 

Population dynamics, predator-prey relationships, Lotka-Volterra model, disease transmission

Andrew Xie, Dalya Messaoudi, Laurier Gauvin,  Reefah Kabir

Animal Communication: A Mathematical Review

Communication, bioluminescence, pheromones, insects, probability, vocalization

Adam Khan, Janique Mayrand, Olivia Ouellet, Angela Wang

Mathematical Framework for Animal Foraging Patterns and Forager Population Dynamics

Foraging patterns, Levy processes, marginal value theorem, population dynamics, stochastic models

Ella Gadoury, Emma Lee, Floriane Baudin, Tian Rui Wang

Stable Isotope Analysis: Predictive Power and Challenges

Stable isotopes, probability, migration, paleoecology, geology

Graeme McDougall, Jeongbin Shin, Mona Wang, Ritchie Yu

The Mechanics and Rates of Organic Matter Decomposition

Decomposition and Degradation, Chemotaxis, Collective Feeding, Organic Matter, Photodegradation, Bacteria, Climate Change

Graeme McDougall, Jeongbin Shin, Mona Wang, Ritchie Yu

Bioinformatics and Sensory Function of Mammalian Fur: An Analysis of Coat Patterning, Whiskers, and Trigger Hairs

sensing, Turing patterns, whiskers, venus flytraps, mammals, follicles

Marc Amin, Lovéni Hanumunthadu, Matthew MacDonald, Thibaud Roy