Sensory System

Chemical Mechanisms of Resonating Devices in Animals for Communication and Information Reception

Abstract Acoustic resonance is a highly effective method of communication and information reception in the animal kingdom, pervasively employed by creatures as small as the 4mm Nuctenea sclopetaria spider and as large as  the colossal Orcinus orca (killer whale). Resonance is often achieved either via specialized organs or an extended

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Patterns and Networks in Animal Colonies

Abstract This essay analyses an assortment of animal homes and the way they are constructed, maintained, and affected due to the environment that surrounds them. Since the usage of a refuge has been moulded by the evolution of animals in their original environment, recurring patterns can be observed when analyzing

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Sensory Cascades and Pathways – Natural and Artificial Neural Networks

Abstract Artificial neural networks are used to mimic the functionalities of the brain via computing systems. This paper will first examine the general structure and function of artificial neural networks, as well as their similarities and differences to the brain’s neural network, after which they are modelled. Then, the essay

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Courtship and Mating Within Evolutionary Game

Abstract In this essay, we investigated methods of mathematical modeling which can be utilized to describe evolutionary game theory. An organism’s evolutionary fitness is defined by their ability to pass their genes on to their offspring. Without effective courting and mating practices, it is impossible to find quality mates and

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Animal Communication: A Mathematical Review

Abstract Nature is composed of a variety of colours and rhythms.  Within these displays of color and rhythm exist patterns and relations, which have been studied and modelled to better understand existing relations and recurrences. In the animal kingdom, communication has evolved through both spontaneous and instantaneous patterns and relations, which can

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Animal Communication: A Chemical Review

Abstract Chemical reactions are the base of our universe. From the light of the sun to the function of our own brains, chemical reactions are behind it. It is therefore not unrealistic to imagine that communication can also be explained by chemical reactions. This paper examines the chemistry behind different

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Chemical Basis of Signal Sensing

Abstract Evolution and the adaptation of different species to different ecological niches has resulted in a vast array of differences between the sensory systems of those animals, with some animals gaining new adaptive sensory capabilities and others losing the ones they no longer need for survival. This paper will discuss

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Master of Camouflage: Chemical Deception in Insect and Plant Species

Abstract When the topic of camouflage and mimicry is discussed, it is often associated with the idea of colors and complex patterning. The visual aspect of camouflage is something that many are familiar with. Plenty of organisms express an array of vibrant colours and deceiving visuals for both protection and

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Courtship and Mating: The Chemistry of Pheromones and Their Evolutionary Function

Abstract In this essay we investigate the chemistry involved in the reproductive process. Courtship and mating practices are not limited to physical and auditory pursuits. Pheromones cause innate chemical allurement between compatible animals. There are a wide range of pheromones, and each have their own specific properties and functions. Different

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Use of Chemosensors in Foraging Animals

Abstract All animals must search for and collect the substances they consume in order to survive. However, this foraging process is not as simple as it may seem, and this leads these various animals towards strategies which can maximize the efficiency of this essential task. Being that animals reside within

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