Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering


An Overview of Chemical Communications in Interspecies Mutualism Relationships

Mutualism, Predator-Prey, Pheromones, Insects, Chemical Communication, Parasitic/Parasitoid

Dorothy Ma, Beth Cushnie, Anh Ngo, Tanoulu Li

A Neurochemical Overview of Sleep, its Deprivation and Hibernation

NREM and REM Sleep, Neurotransmitters, Waste Clearance/Glymphatic System, Hibernation, Immune Activation

Kelliane Beland, Taisei Fu, Andres Gonzalez, Grace Shi

An Overview of Transport-Related Interspecies Relationships

Transport, Symbiosis, Attachment Mechanics, Hydrodynamics, Interspecies Interactions

Dorothy Ma, Beth Cushnie, Anh Ngo, Tanoulu Li

Applications of Newtonian Mechanics in the Animal Molting Process

Molting, Newtonian Mechanics, Friction, Gliding, Stiffness and Mechanical Properties, Biomechanics

Sidrah Alousi-Jones, Le Chen, Léanne Gauthier, Haley Janvrin

Superpowers in the Animal Kingdom

Sensory Adaptation and Systems, Echolocation, UV (Vision), Magnetism, Electroreception, Sharks, Bats, Fish

Yaman Al Janaideh, David Bettan, Kaitlyn Cribb, Vanessa Piché

Physiological and Behavioral Adaptations in Migratory Animals

Aerodynamics, Migration and Navigation, Magnetoreception, Flight, Biomechanics, Feather, Swimming

Taymour Elgamal, Trina Fearon, Karim Mustafa

An Investigation into the Biophysical Relationship Between Predator-Prey Pairs

Predator-Prey, Biomechanics, Adaptation, Echolocation, Electric Field, Evolution

Andrew Xie, Dalya Messaoudi, Laurier Gauvin, Reefah Kabir

A Portfolio of The Physical Peculiarities of Animal Sleep Behaviour

Sleep, Gravity, Thermodynamics and Thermoregulation, Evolutionary Adaptation, Digestion

Kelliane Beland, Taisei Fu, Andres Gonzalez, Grace Shi