Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering


Cellular and Echolocation Analysis: The Bat Ear

Ear anatomy, bats, echolocation, biomimicry, signal processing, frequency

Laura Jahchan, Aidan Licoppe, Alessio Palladino, Shu Yuan Zhang

Biomolecular Design of Veins and Arteries

Vascular system, nitric oxide, biosensors, tissue engineering, endothelial cells

Akash Aniche, Hubert Laflamme, Deisha Paliwal, Julianna Raabel

Molecular Phenomena in Flipper Formation and Limits of Miniaturization

Reaction-Diffusion Patterning, Positional Information Theory, Miniaturization, Navier-Stokes Equations, Locomotion, Reynolds Number

McKenna Baron, Nour Hanna, Guillaume Rodier, Gabriel Straface

The Biomolecular Design of the Eye

Photoreception, Eye anatomy, Lenses, Isomerization, Visual Spectrum

Tuna Gedik, Nassib Hassouna, Mohul Sharma, Michelle Sateen Yazbek

The Biochemical Basis for Olfaction

Olfaction and Odorant Molecules, Signal Transduction, Sensory Neurons, Pheromones, Hunting

Curtis Ehlert, Ingi El Shahid, Liv Toft, Mary Wan

Lost a limb? No Problem!

Regeneration, Progenitor and Stem Cells, Epimorphosis, Morphallaxis, Adaptation

Andrea Khoury, Nikki Lal, Spencer Levine, Laura Camila Penuela Cardenas

Biomolecular Factors for Immunity, Color Change, and Mechanical Strength of the Integument

Integument System, Chromatophores and Color Change, Glands, Cell Junctions, Immunity

Juyoun Bae, Andrei Bocan, Justin Charney, Lan Anh Huynh

The Heart: A Biochemical and Cellular Perspective

Calcium Signaling, Action Potential, Heart, Pacemaker, Regeneration

Anne-Sarah Dickman, Lina El Kesti, Junqi Wang, Angela Zhu

The Colorful Chemistry of Oxygen Carriers in Blood

Blood, Respiration and Oxygenation, Transport, Oxygen Carriers/Transporters/Proteins, Allostery

Arnaud Benchetrite, Ines Hafit, Laura Hebert, Shiyuan Qiao

Feather Structure and Assembly

Pigmentation, Feathers, Flight Mechanics, Growth and Regeneration, Avian Evolution

Ziyad Bouslama, Young Chae Han, Stephanie Makhlouf, Catherine Xu

Comparative Analysis of the Biological Mechanics of Veins and Arteries in Animals

Blood Vessels, Biomechanics, Vascular Tissue, Viscoelasticity, Transport Phenomenon

Akash Aniche, Hubert Laflamme, Deisha Paliwal, Julianna Raabel

Healing, Mechanical Loading, and Water-harvesting with Integument Structures and their Biomimetic Applications

Biomimicry, Integument Structures, Wound-Healing, Water-Harvesting, Mechanical Loading

Juyoun Bae, Andrei Bocan, Justin Charney, Lan Anh Huynh