Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

The Innovative Structural and Physical Properties of Radiolaria

Protist, silica skeletons, buoyancy and specific gravity control, photosymbiosis, optical properties, photonics

Vicky Barré, Liora Benzecry, Rhiannon Butler, Valerie Hung

Analysis of the Survival Mechanisms of Hydra

Survival mechanisms, photoreception, nematocyst, photobehaviour, surface attachment and detachment, spring-like behaviour and responses

Jessica Coulson, Magnus Duffy, Ruolin Hu, Shilong Zheng

The Physical Adaptations Underlying the Tardigrade’s Resistance to Extreme Environmental Conditions 

Tardigrades, microorganism anatomy, mechanical strength, protein function, thermoresistance

Luccia Jabbour, Eden Karp-Foster, Jeremy Lachance, Wadi Zahka

Frustules: Design solutions in Diatoms

Diatoms, frustules, elasticity, light properties, buoyancy

Peter Matthews-Crochetiere, Daniel Ibrahim, Wenan Liao, Cedric Mackay

The Physical Properties of Fats in Mammals

Fats, adipose tissue, hibernation, blubber, mechanical models

Milana Farah, Josh Negenman, Michelle Sayeh, Edward Tong

An Advantageous Appendage: the Biomechanical Design of Tentacles and their Adaptation for the Aquatic Environment

Tentacles, cephalopods, limb mechanics, material properties, Tendrils, kinematics

Yousif Al Shajlawi, Henry Bain, Julianna Bede

The Diverse Mechanical Functions of Claws within Locomotion and Predator-Prey Relation

Claws, Predator-Prey, Locomotion, Climbing, Hardness, Perching

Liela Andringa, Alan Fu, Alex Jung, Oscar Cruz Hernandez

A Multi-Functional Armor: Carapaces’ Roles in Different Animals

Carapace, Mineralization, Turtle, Keratin/Collagen, Armadillo, Bettle, Biomimicry

Elisabeth Lawton, Emma Geoffroy, Osandi Hewage, Yitao Sun

The Mechanics of Antler Bone: A Weapon for Courtship

Antler, Bone, Mechanical Properties, Hydration, Crack Propagation, Courtship, Anistropy

Laurianne Daoust, Annabelle Huynh-Rondeau, Félix Lavoie, Erica Song

Review of the Mechanical, Structural, and Physical Properties of Pincers: An Evolutionary Wonder

Pincer, Defense Mechanisms, Chelae, Evolution, Bouligand, Hardness/Elasticity

Emilia Bridgeman, Claire Levasseur, Maxim Petkun, Alain Peng Zhang

Evolution of Human Models Representing the Complexity of the Jaw and its Functionalities

Jaws, Lever, Biomechanics, Kinematic Chains, Evolution, Feeding Mechanisms

Michelle Levy, Riwa Itani, Irene Simier, Joseph Marsilio

Tails: An Investigation into the Variability of Their Structure and Function

Tails, Thermoregulation, Propulsion, Foraging, Aerodynamics, Evolution

Clementine Ruiz, Moriah Campbell, Martin Pone

Mechanical Overview of Mollusk Shell Formation and Structure

Mollusks, Shells, Stress/Energy Dissipation and Minimization, Biomineralization, Adaptation

Elliott Cole, Gabriel Linaje-Ferrel, Mikaela Phung, Salma Oraichi

Trends Between Senescence, Longevity, and Internal Biological Properties in Living Organisms 

Senescence, longevity, ageing, metabolism, deterioration, lifespan

Alex Butler, Sophie McLean, Alexandru Toma, Kevin Xu

Courtship and Mating: the Physics of Sexual Dimorphism and its Evolutionary Function

Reproduction, Dimorphism, Evolution, Optics, Bioluminescence, Biomechanics, Courtship and Mating

Liam Fetherstonhaugh, Joseph Grotsky, Chloe Jacquet, Samuel Nidelli

Evolution of Mammary Glands and the Biomechanics of Mammalian Lactation

Lactation, Adaptation and Evolution, Biomechanics, Mammals, Milk and Dairy

Ayoub Rabhi, Zach Gurberg, Di Ah Lim, Olivia Clague

Biomechanics of the Evolutionary Arms Race

Evolution and Adaptation, Biomechanics, Competition, Predator-Prey, Horn, Stress

Tri Vinh Truong, Steven Xu, Emma Wong, Quinten Bennett

The Hidden Properties Behind Animal Foraging Strategies

Foraging, Group Behaviour, Cooperation, Tool, Detection, Gathering

Ella Gadoury, Emma Lee, Floriane Baudin, Tian Rui Wang

Biomechanical Adaptations of the Uterus During Parturition and Birthing

Birthing, Collagen, Contractions, Uterus, Mucus

Serena Kim, Massimiliano Garzia, Lila Oualim, and Mark Tchinov

Biological Design for Lungs and Gills: Biomechanics and Materials 

Gas Exchange, Diffusion, Respiration, Biomechanics and Materials, Evolution

Samuel Bernard, Nabhaan Farooqi, Camille Gagnon, Will Vyse