Copepods Through the Lens of Physics
Mechanoreception, low reynolds, clap and fling or Weis-Fog, fluid mechanics, Wagner effect, coloration
Johanna Turton, Melodi Rousset, Philippe Mercier, Tanjin Sultana
Bioadhesives for Animal Construction in Nature: A Collection of Case Studies
Bioadhesives, spider webs, insect nests, silk, adhesion mechanisms
Yuheng Liu, Berine Wehbeh, Sara Fraser, Adi Orlov
Applications of Newtonian Mechanics in the Animal Molting Process
Molting, Newtonian Mechanics, Friction, Gliding, Stiffness and Mechanical Properties, Biomechanics
Sidrah Alousi-Jones, Le Chen, Léanne Gauthier, Haley Janvrin
Animal Architecture: The Mechanics Behind Some of Nature’s Most Ingenious Structures
Materials and Mechanics, Architecture and Shelter, Thermoregulation, Habitat, Stress, Hexagonal Geometry, Friction
Adi Orlov, Berine Wehbeh, Yuheng Liu, Sara Fraser