A Mathematical Analysis of Hydra
Turing pattern, regeneration, microbial symbiosis or holobiont, feedback, topology and toplogical defects
Jessica Coulson, Magnus Duffy, Ruolin Hu, Shilong Zheng
Deciphering Daphnia Dynamics: A Mathematical Odyssey into Aquatic Ecosystems
Trophic interactions or food web, parthenogenesis, game theory, movement and migration, phenotypic plasticity, predator-prey
Eva Otell, Iris Sun, Marwan Sobh, Xinying Wang, Rémi Ouellette
Copepods Through the Lens of Math
Low-Reynolds, swimming, diel vertical migration, reflectance, molting, coloration, crustacean
Johanna Turton, Melodi Rousset, Philippe Mercier, Tanjin Sultana
Mathematical Marine Models of Coral Polyps
Coral polyps, geometry, branching, environmental modeling, fractals, hyperbolic geometry
Michael Beyrouthy, Cris Izzi, Claudio Petroni, Alex Tsiskakis
Courtship and Mating Within Evolutionary Game
Game theory, courtship, mating, evolution, mathematical modelling
Liam Fetherstonhaugh, Joseph Grotsky, Chloe Jacquet, Samuel Nidelli
Mathematical Models of Predator-Prey Population Dynamics
Population dynamics, predator-prey relationships, Lotka-Volterra model, disease transmission
Andrew Xie, Dalya Messaoudi, Laurier Gauvin, Reefah Kabir
Stable Isotope Analysis: Predictive Power and Challenges
Stable isotopes, probability, migration, paleoecology, geology
Graeme McDougall, Jeongbin Shin, Mona Wang, Ritchie Yu
Visual Lateralization in the Animal Kingdom
Brain lateralization, vision, sensing, signal propagation, memory, neurons
Tuna Gedik, Nassib Hassouna, Mohul Sharma, Michelle Sateen Yazbek