Mathematical Marvels of Foraminifera
Adaptation, pore patterns, symbiosis in microeukaryotes, calcification and acidification, shell growth/development, morphogenesis, symbiosis
Emma Bussières, Carolyn Denton, Reno Thompson, Xiao (Rachel) Jiang
Formidable Foraminifera, Facing Unfavorable Conditions: A Chemical Analysis
Calcification, marine symbiosis, kleptoplasty, survival mechanisms or adaptations, bacterial and fungal farming, denitrification, metabolism
Emma Bussières, Carolyn Denton, Reno Thompson, Rachel Jiang
Daphnia’s Chemical Interactions: Varying Conditions Require Varying Responses
Predator-prey, environmental stressors, bioindicator, adaptation, bioremediation, kairomone, diel vertical migration
Eva Otell, Iris Sun, Marwan Sobh, Rémi Ouellete, Xinying Wang
Life-Sustaining Processes of the Diatom
Diatoms, life cycles, biomineralization, reproduction, reactive oxygen species, biochemistry
Peter Matthews-Crochetiere, Daniel Ibrahim, Wenan Liao, Cedric Mackay
Chemical Adaptation in Viviparous Birthing and Oviparous Hatching
Embryo, Nutrient and Gas Exchange and Transport, Mineralization, Placenta and Placentation, Reproduction, Hatching, Egg
Serena Kim, Massimiliano Garzia, Lila Oualim, Mark Tchinov
The Design of the Spine
Bison, spines, musculoskeletal system, 3D modelling, spinal injuries
Ahmed Bawany, Bianca Dubois, Yzza M’sahi, Michael Parsons
Information Storage and Processing as Part of Pattern Formation, Photoreception, Thermoreception, and Mechanoreception of the Integument
Information storage, integument, Turing patterns, feedback loops, sensing
Juyoun Bae, Andrei Bocan, Justin Charney, Lan Anh Huynh
Stable Isotopes and Diet Analysis: Insight into Trophic Level, and Geographical Origin and Location
Isotopes, diet, trophic networks, photosynthesis, ecology
Trevor Hum, Xavier Santerre, Kyle Vamvakas, Mathilde Wagner
The Biomolecular Design of the Eye
Photoreception, Eye anatomy, Lenses, Isomerization, Visual Spectrum
Tuna Gedik, Nassib Hassouna, Mohul Sharma, Michelle Sateen Yazbek
The Nose: An Examination and Comparison of the Turbinate Structures of Aquatic Animals, Terrestrial Caniformia, and Humans
Nose, Respiratory Adaptation, Climate, Evolutionary Biology, Olfaction and Olfactory Structures/Anatomy. Nasal Turbinates
Ingi El Shahid, Curtis Ehlert, Liv Toft, Mary Wan