Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

A Biomechanical Review of Animal Tongue Functions

Tongue, Non-Newtonian, Surface Roughness, Feeding and Prey-Catching, Saliva, Biomimicry, Elastic Energy

Shunyuan Xiao, Marc Srour, Sophie Allard

Mathematical Modeling of Animal Tongues

Tongues, Mathematical Modeling, Elastic Strain-Energy, Capillary Siphon, Biomechanics, Algorithm, Fluid Dynamics

Shunyuan Xiao, Marc Srour, Sophie Allard

Use of Chemosensors in Foraging Animals

Chemosensors and Chemical Communication, Foraging, Olfaction, Pheromones

Ella Gadoury, Emma Lee, Floriane Baudin, Tian Rui Wang