Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

Art in Symmetry: Mathematical Models that Dictate Radiolarian Structures

Voronoi tessellations, protist, biomineralization, symmetry, Geodesic sphere, tomography, symmetry

Vicky Barré, Liora Benzecry, Rhiannon Butler, Valerie Hung

Discussion of Nature’s Design Solutions in Tintinnids: Masters of Microzooplankton Survival

Tintinnids, plankton, geometry, buoyancy, swimming, aquatic ecosystems

Alexa Bailey, Lou Cubberly, Margaux-Blondin Routhier, Niall Slack-Watkins

Crab Chelae Allometry and Implications on Game-Theoretic Armament Evolution

Crab pincers, chelae, allometry, morphology, force distribution, Game theory

Emilia Bridgeman, Claire Levasseur, Maxim Petkun, Alain Peng Zhang

Exploration of Mathematical Laws Governing Claws and their Applications within Flying Animals, Terrestrial Pests, and Amniotes

Mathematical Modeling, Claws, Logarithmic Growth and Spiral, Niche, Biomimicry, Digging, Predator-Prey

Liela Andringa, Alan Fu, Alex Jung, Oscar Cruz Hernandez

Review of the Mechanical, Structural, and Physical Properties of Pincers: An Evolutionary Wonder

Pincer, Defense Mechanisms, Chelae, Evolution, Bouligand, Hardness/Elasticity

Emilia Bridgeman, Claire Levasseur, Maxim Petkun, Alain Peng Zhang

Evolution of Human Models Representing the Complexity of the Jaw and its Functionalities

Jaws, Lever, Biomechanics, Kinematic Chains, Evolution, Feeding Mechanisms

Michelle Levy, Riwa Itani, Irene Simier, Joseph Marsilio

Mechanical Overview of Mollusk Shell Formation and Structure

Mollusks, Shells, Stress/Energy Dissipation and Minimization, Biomineralization, Adaptation

Elliott Cole, Gabriel Linaje-Ferrel, Mikaela Phung, Salma Oraichi

Mathematical Models of Molluscan Shell Patterns and Morphology

Molluscs, Shells, Growth, Mechanical Energy Dissipation, Reaction Diffusion, Pigmentation, Mathematical Modeling

Elliott Cole, Gabriel Linaje-Ferrel, Salma Oraichi, Mikaela Phung