Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

A Biomechanical Review of Animal Tongue Functions

Tongue, Non-Newtonian, Surface Roughness, Feeding and Prey-Catching, Saliva, Biomimicry, Elastic Energy

Shunyuan Xiao, Marc Srour, Sophie Allard

Applications of Newtonian Mechanics in the Animal Molting Process

Molting, Newtonian Mechanics, Friction, Gliding, Stiffness and Mechanical Properties, Biomechanics

Sidrah Alousi-Jones, Le Chen, Léanne Gauthier, Haley Janvrin

Courtship and Mating: the Physics of Sexual Dimorphism and its Evolutionary Function

Reproduction, Dimorphism, Evolution, Optics, Bioluminescence, Biomechanics, Courtship and Mating

Liam Fetherstonhaugh, Joseph Grotsky, Chloe Jacquet, Samuel Nidelli

Biomechanics of the Evolutionary Arms Race

Evolution and Adaptation, Biomechanics, Competition, Predator-Prey, Horn, Stress

Tri Vinh Truong, Steven Xu, Emma Wong, Quinten Bennett

Biomechanical Adaptations of the Uterus During Parturition and Birthing

Birthing, Collagen, Contractions, Uterus, Mucus

Serena Kim, Massimiliano Garzia, Lila Oualim, and Mark Tchinov