Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

Mathematical Modeling of Marine Suction Cups

Suction cups, mathematical modelling, elasticity, geometry, biomimicry

Juan Manuel Rocha Angel, Mika Chang, Emily Martin, Tokiniaina Raharison

Biomechanics of Marine Suction Cups and Applications to Artificial Suction Technology

Suction cups, anatomy, papillae, biomimicry, pressure differentiation

Juan Manuel Rocha Angel, Mika Chang, Emily Martin, and Tokiniaina Raharison Ralambomihanta

Evolution of Human Models Representing the Complexity of the Jaw and its Functionalities

Jaws, Lever, Biomechanics, Kinematic Chains, Evolution, Feeding Mechanisms

Michelle Levy, Riwa Itani, Irene Simier, Joseph Marsilio

Cephalopods and their Beak

Cephalopods, beaks, mechanics, feeding, biomimicry

Palmyra Mendoza Cabrer, Karina Carlson, Rylee Mcdonald, Michael Weldon