Category: Migration and Navigation
The Biophysics of Volvox
Protist, algae, hydrodynamic interaction, phototaxis, embryo inversion
Robinson Libman, Meryem Louni, Ryan McGibbon, Ali Najjar
An Investigation of the Physical Properties of Gonium
Flagellar motion, phototaxis, colonies, eyespot optics, helical propulsion, protist
Andrew D’Argenio, Breanna D’Ettorre, Lucas Elliott, Joseph Gad
The Physics of Foraminifera
Environmental pressure, reproductive strategy, vertical migration, strength rigidity and elasticity, pseudopodia, tests or shell geometry, openings
Carolyn Denton, Emma Bussiéres, Rachel Jiang, Reno Thompson
Mathematical Analysis of Amoebas
Motility, crystal, optimization, maze-solving, swarm, oxidation
Hailey Jukes, Adele Omichinski, Nicholas Da-Costa-Bastidas, Gil Qin
Copepods Through the Lens of Math
Low-Reynolds, swimming, diel vertical migration, reflectance, molting, coloration, crustacean
Johanna Turton, Melodi Rousset, Philippe Mercier, Tanjin Sultana
Discussion of Nature’s Design Solutions in Tintinnids: Masters of Microzooplankton Survival
Tintinnids, plankton, geometry, buoyancy, swimming, aquatic ecosystems
Alexa Bailey, Lou Cubberly, Margaux-Blondin Routhier, Niall Slack-Watkins
Magnetic Marvels: A Mathematical Exploration of Magnetotactic Bacteria
Magnetotactic bacteria, crystals, symmetry, geometry, statistical mechanics, chemotaxis
Alex Gagnon, Catriona Kirk, Jason Li, Sofian Martinais
A Physical Analysis of Magnetotactic Bacteria: Nature’s Microscopic Compass as a Solution to a Motile Biotope
Magnetotactic bacteria, phototaxis, aerotaxis, sensing, fluid dynamics, swimming
Alex Gagnon, Catriona Kirk, Jason Li, Sofian Martinais
Physical Principles Governing the Movement of Dinoflagellates and The Implications for Their Interactions in Aquatic Ecosystems
Dinoflagellates, flagella, swimming, kinematics, Reynolds number, fluid dynamics
Thalia Azadian, Arda Barlas, Sophia Chen, Simon Girard
Mathematical Models of Diatoms: Understanding Their Complex Shape, Reproduction and Chain Formation
Diatoms, geometry, Gielis formula, structural functionality, fractals
Peter Matthews-Crochetiere, Daniel Ibrahim, Wenan Liao, Cedric Mackay
Frustules: Design solutions in Diatoms
Diatoms, frustules, elasticity, light properties, buoyancy
Peter Matthews-Crochetiere, Daniel Ibrahim, Wenan Liao, Cedric Mackay
The Physical Properties and Interactions of Coccolithophores
Coccolithophores, calcification, vestigial haptonema, buoyancy, carbon cycle, geology
Megan Farrow, Zackary Murphy, Minh Tri Pham, Jia Yi Yu