Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

The Blue Blood of Horseshoe Crabs: A golden Standard for Endotoxin Detection in the Biomedical Industry

horseshoe crabs, blood, endotoxins, detection, biochemistry, biosensing

Arnaud Benchetrite, Ines Hafit, Laura Hebert, Shiyuan Qiao,

Biological Design for Lungs and Gills: Information and Storage Processing

Respiration, lungs, gills, diffusion, metabolism, oxygen

Samuel Bernard, Nabhaan Farooqi, Camille Gagnon, Will Vyse

Biological Mechanical Analysis of the Odontocete Ear

Hearing, Ears, Sound Transmission, Acoustics, Whale, Hearing Aid, Ear Anatomy, Biomechanics

Laura Jahchan, Aidan Licoppe, Alessio Palladino, Shu Yuan Zhang