Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

Life-Sustaining Processes of the Diatom

Diatoms, life cycles, biomineralization, reproduction, reactive oxygen species, biochemistry

Peter Matthews-Crochetiere, Daniel Ibrahim, Wenan Liao, Cedric Mackay

Biomolecular Factors for Immunity, Color Change, and Mechanical Strength of the Integument

Integument System, Chromatophores and Color Change, Glands, Cell Junctions, Immunity

Juyoun Bae, Andrei Bocan, Justin Charney, Lan Anh Huynh

Functions of the Gut through the Perspective of Biological Mechanics

Gut, Biomechanics, Digestive Tract, Chewing, Microbiome, Parasites, Dietary Adaptation

Trevor Hum, Xavier Santerre, Kyle Vamvakas, Mathilde Wagner