Mathematical Modeling of Animal Tongues
Tongues, Mathematical Modeling, Elastic Strain-Energy, Capillary Siphon, Biomechanics, Algorithm, Fluid Dynamics
Shunyuan Xiao, Marc Srour, Sophie Allard
Patterns and Networks in Animal Colonies
Colonial organisms, anthills, pattern recognition, coral reefs, mole rats, ecosystems, geometry
Berine Wehbeh, Sara Fraser, Yuheng Liu, Adi Orlov
Sensory Cascades and Pathways – Natural and Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial neural networks, machine learning, sensing, cognition, brains
Yaman Al Janaideh, David Bettan, Kaitlyn Cribb, Vanessa Piché
Mathematical Framework for Animal Foraging Patterns and Forager Population Dynamics
Foraging patterns, Levy processes, marginal value theorem, population dynamics, stochastic models
Ella Gadoury, Emma Lee, Floriane Baudin, Tian Rui Wang