Aquatic Fungi: An Exploration of Aquatic Adaptation and Interaction
Aquatic fungi, adaptation, marine ecosystems, evolution, reproduction
Izabela Junqueira Magalhaes, Kristina Kerkelova, Ruizhi Liu, Yasmine Sadr Kaufmann
Biological Design for Lungs and Gills: Information and Storage Processing
Respiration, lungs, gills, diffusion, metabolism, oxygen
Samuel Bernard, Nabhaan Farooqi, Camille Gagnon, Will Vyse
An Analysis of Sensors and Systems of Artificial Noses
Noses, olfaction, artificial organs, sensing, biosensors
Curtis Ehlert, Ingi El Shahid, Liv Toft, Mary Wan
Stable Isotopes and Diet Analysis: Insight into Trophic Level, and Geographical Origin and Location
Isotopes, diet, trophic networks, photosynthesis, ecology
Trevor Hum, Xavier Santerre, Kyle Vamvakas, Mathilde Wagner
Mechanical and Material Design Principles of the Avian Egg Shell
Egg and shell, Bacterial Defense, Embryo, Gas and Fluid Exchange and Transport, Biomechanics, Radiation, Structure and Microstructure
Leticia Le Goff, Ula Mastej, Jake Pringle, Ryan Romero
Functions of the Gut through the Perspective of Biological Mechanics
Gut, Biomechanics, Digestive Tract, Chewing, Microbiome, Parasites, Dietary Adaptation
Trevor Hum, Xavier Santerre, Kyle Vamvakas, Mathilde Wagner