Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

The Diverse Mechanical Functions of Claws within Locomotion and Predator-Prey Relation

Claws, Predator-Prey, Locomotion, Climbing, Hardness, Perching

Liela Andringa, Alan Fu, Alex Jung, Oscar Cruz Hernandez

Bioadhesives for Animal Construction in Nature: A Collection of Case Studies

Bioadhesives, spider webs, insect nests, silk, adhesion mechanisms

Yuheng Liu, Berine Wehbeh, Sara Fraser, Adi Orlov

Animal Architecture: The Mechanics Behind Some of Nature’s Most Ingenious Structures

Materials and Mechanics, Architecture and Shelter, Thermoregulation, Habitat, Stress, Hexagonal Geometry, Friction

Adi Orlov, Berine Wehbeh, Yuheng Liu, Sara Fraser