Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

Just Keep Swimming: Structure, Movement, and Light Interactions of Unicellular Green Algae

Unicellular green algae, stress, locomotion, kinematics, swimming, light properties

Ai-Lan Ji-Eun Nguyen, Tesnim Obey, Anders Schwarz, Jackson Yu

A Mathematical Approach to Understanding Volvox

Algae, fractal geometry, self-assembly, nutrient uptake, embryo inversion, multicellularity, randomness, swimming

Robinson Libman, Meryem Louni, Ryan McGibbon, Ali Najjar

The Biophysics of Volvox

Protist, algae, hydrodynamic interaction, phototaxis, embryo inversion

Robinson Libman, Meryem Louni, Ryan McGibbon, Ali Najjar

Unveiling the Chemistry of Radiolaria: Exploring Elemental Insights and Environmental Significance

Biomineralization, bioluminescence, photosymbiosis, silica cycle, bioindicator, protists

Vicky Barré, Rhiannon Butler, Valerie Hung, Liora Benzecry

The Innovative Structural and Physical Properties of Radiolaria

Protist, silica skeletons, buoyancy and specific gravity control, photosymbiosis, optical properties, photonics

Vicky Barré, Liora Benzecry, Rhiannon Butler, Valerie Hung

A Mathematical Analysis of Hydra

Turing pattern, regeneration, microbial symbiosis or holobiont, feedback, topology and toplogical defects

Jessica Coulson, Magnus Duffy, Ruolin Hu, Shilong Zheng

Analysis of the Survival Mechanisms of Hydra

Survival mechanisms, photoreception, nematocyst, photobehaviour, surface attachment and detachment, spring-like behaviour and responses

Jessica Coulson, Magnus Duffy, Ruolin Hu, Shilong Zheng

An Investigation into the Mathematical Modeling of the Properties of Gonium

Pyrolysis biofuel, formal language theory/computational linguistics, flagellar fluid dynamics, phototaxis, Thermogravimetric analysis, growth modelling

Andrew D’Argenio, Breanna D’Ettorre, Lucas Elliott, Joseph Gad

An Investigation into the Chemical Properties of Gonium

Photocycles, growth regulation, depolluting enzymes, biodegradation, multicellularity evolution, protist

Andrew D’Argenio, Breanna D’Ettorre, Lucas Elliott, Joseph Gad

An Investigation of the Physical Properties of Gonium

Flagellar motion, phototaxis, colonies, eyespot optics, helical propulsion, protist

Andrew D’Argenio, Breanna D’Ettorre, Lucas Elliott, Joseph Gad

Copepods Through the Lens of Chemistry

Pigmentation, symbiotic, chemoreception, bioluminescence, crustacean, toxin

Johanna Turton, Melodi Rousset, Philippe Mercier, Tanjin Sultana

The Physical Adaptations Underlying the Tardigrade’s Resistance to Extreme Environmental Conditions 

Tardigrades, microorganism anatomy, mechanical strength, protein function, thermoresistance

Luccia Jabbour, Eden Karp-Foster, Jeremy Lachance, Wadi Zahka

Exploring the Mathematics of Unicellular Green Algae (Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii)

Unicellular green algae, synchronization, fluid dynamics, optimization, population dynamics, growth modeling

Ai-Lan Ji-Eun Nguyen, Tesnim Obey, Anders Schwarz, Jackson Yu

Mechanics and Optics of Cyanobacteria: How to Survive over Billions of Years

Survival mechanisms, photosynthesis, buoyancy regulation, light-sensing or phototaxis, bacteria, gliding motility, biofilm

Maria Delgopiatof, Max Bai, Sierra Bushey, Valerie Syme

Underwater Chemists: Discussion of Design Solutions in Tintinnid Ciliates

Tintinnids, digestion, reproduction, navigation, bioindicators, biochemical pathways

Alexa Bailey, Lou Cubberly, Margaux-Blondin Routhier, Niall Slack-Watkins

The Physics of Coral Polyps

Coral polyps, hydrodynamics, sensing, feeding, anisotropy, photoreceptors

Michael Beyrouthy, Cris Izzi, Claudio Petroni, Alex Tsiskakis

Magnetic Marvels: A Mathematical Exploration of Magnetotactic Bacteria

Magnetotactic bacteria, crystals, symmetry, geometry, statistical mechanics, chemotaxis

Alex Gagnon, Catriona Kirk, Jason Li, Sofian Martinais

Nature’s Nanomagnets: A Chemical Perspective on Magnetotactic Bacteria

Magnetotactic bacteria, biomineralization, polarity, biochemical pathways, horizontal gene transfer, sensing

Alex Gagnon, Catriona Kirk, Jason Li, Sofian Martinais

A Physical Analysis of Magnetotactic Bacteria: Nature’s Microscopic Compass as a Solution to a Motile Biotope

Magnetotactic bacteria, phototaxis, aerotaxis, sensing, fluid dynamics, swimming

Alex Gagnon, Catriona Kirk, Jason Li, Sofian Martinais

Physical Principles Governing the Movement of Dinoflagellates and The Implications for Their Interactions in Aquatic Ecosystems

Dinoflagellates, flagella, swimming, kinematics, Reynolds number, fluid dynamics

Thalia Azadian, Arda Barlas, Sophia Chen, Simon Girard