Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

Category: Tissue Damage and Dysfunction

From Fetus to Fossil: A Microscopic Analysis of the Chemistry of the Hoof Throughout the Stages of Life

Hooves, ungulates, keratin, tissues, decomposition, anatomy

Yitian Zhang, Claire Driedger, Marshall Moussavi, Emmanuel Menacho Tardieu

Phylogenetic Adaptations and Biochemical Mechanisms Contributing to the Unique Lifespan and Ageing of Bats

Age, bats, telomeres, metabolism, longevity, oxidative stress, immune system

Alex Butler, Sophie McLean, Alexandru Toma, Kevin Xu

Trends Between Senescence, Longevity, and Internal Biological Properties in Living Organisms 

Senescence, longevity, ageing, metabolism, deterioration, lifespan

Alex Butler, Sophie McLean, Alexandru Toma, Kevin Xu

An Overview of Transport-Related Interspecies Relationships

Transport, Symbiosis, Attachment Mechanics, Hydrodynamics, Interspecies Interactions

Dorothy Ma, Beth Cushnie, Anh Ngo, Tanoulu Li

Courtship and Mating: the Physics of Sexual Dimorphism and its Evolutionary Function

Reproduction, Dimorphism, Evolution, Optics, Bioluminescence, Biomechanics, Courtship and Mating

Liam Fetherstonhaugh, Joseph Grotsky, Chloe Jacquet, Samuel Nidelli