Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

Category: Spines and Quills

Spines: The Multitudes and Multi-functionalities of their Mechanisms

Spines, quills, structural design, defense mechanisms, material properties, biomimicry

Coty Ma, Alexandra Schuck, Éloïse Soderböm, Dan Voicu

The Complexity of Spines and their Mathematical Connections

Spines, structural modelling, Laplace pressure, defense, Voronoi patterns

Coty Ma, Alexandra Schuck, Éloïse Soderböm, Dan Voicu

Spiky Surprises: The Chemistry of Spines and Quills

Spine, Quills, Keratin, Collagen, Biomineralization

Coty Ma, Alexandra Schuck, Éloise Soderböm, Dan Voicu