Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

Shaping Success: A Mathematical Exploration of Cyanobacteria across Scales

Allometric power functions, bacterial growth, geometrical models, persistence length, semi-flexible, colony, polyhedral

Max Bai, Sierra Bushey, Maria Delgopiatof, Valerie Syme

The Physical Adaptations Underlying the Tardigrade’s Resistance to Extreme Environmental Conditions 

Tardigrades, microorganism anatomy, mechanical strength, protein function, thermoresistance

Luccia Jabbour, Eden Karp-Foster, Jeremy Lachance, Wadi Zahka

Trends Between Senescence, Longevity, and Internal Biological Properties in Living Organisms 

Senescence, longevity, ageing, metabolism, deterioration, lifespan

Alex Butler, Sophie McLean, Alexandru Toma, Kevin Xu