Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

Art in Symmetry: Mathematical Models that Dictate Radiolarian Structures

Voronoi tessellations, protist, biomineralization, symmetry, Geodesic sphere, tomography, symmetry

Vicky Barré, Liora Benzecry, Rhiannon Butler, Valerie Hung

The Physical Adaptations Underlying the Tardigrade’s Resistance to Extreme Environmental Conditions 

Tardigrades, microorganism anatomy, mechanical strength, protein function, thermoresistance

Luccia Jabbour, Eden Karp-Foster, Jeremy Lachance, Wadi Zahka

The Physics of Coral Polyps

Coral polyps, hydrodynamics, sensing, feeding, anisotropy, photoreceptors

Michael Beyrouthy, Cris Izzi, Claudio Petroni, Alex Tsiskakis

Magnetic Marvels: A Mathematical Exploration of Magnetotactic Bacteria

Magnetotactic bacteria, crystals, symmetry, geometry, statistical mechanics, chemotaxis

Alex Gagnon, Catriona Kirk, Jason Li, Sofian Martinais

Nature’s Nanomagnets: A Chemical Perspective on Magnetotactic Bacteria

Magnetotactic bacteria, biomineralization, polarity, biochemical pathways, horizontal gene transfer, sensing

Alex Gagnon, Catriona Kirk, Jason Li, Sofian Martinais

Mathematical Models of Diatoms: Understanding Their Complex Shape, Reproduction and Chain Formation

Diatoms, geometry, Gielis formula, structural functionality, fractals

Peter Matthews-Crochetiere, Daniel Ibrahim, Wenan Liao, Cedric Mackay