Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

Unveiling the Chemistry of Radiolaria: Exploring Elemental Insights and Environmental Significance

Biomineralization, bioluminescence, photosymbiosis, silica cycle, bioindicator, protists

Vicky Barré, Rhiannon Butler, Valerie Hung, Liora Benzecry

An Investigation into the Chemical Properties of Gonium

Photocycles, growth regulation, depolluting enzymes, biodegradation, multicellularity evolution, protist

Andrew D’Argenio, Breanna D’Ettorre, Lucas Elliott, Joseph Gad

Shaping Success: A Mathematical Exploration of Cyanobacteria across Scales

Allometric power functions, bacterial growth, geometrical models, persistence length, semi-flexible, colony, polyhedral

Max Bai, Sierra Bushey, Maria Delgopiatof, Valerie Syme

Life-Sustaining Processes of the Diatom

Diatoms, life cycles, biomineralization, reproduction, reactive oxygen species, biochemistry

Peter Matthews-Crochetiere, Daniel Ibrahim, Wenan Liao, Cedric Mackay