Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

The Chemistry Lying Deep Within a Volvox Colony

Asexual/sexual reproduction, metabolism, protein-protein interactions, phototsynesis, colony, aging/senescence

Robinson Libman, Meryem Louni, Ryan McGibbon, Ali Najjar

A Chemical Analysis of Hydra

Regeneration mechanisms, neurotoxins, innate immunity, morphogenesis, antimicrobial peptides, toll-like receptors or bacterial recognition

Jessica Coulson, Magnus Duffy, Ruolin Hu, Shilong Zheng

Chemical Adaptation in Viviparous Birthing and Oviparous Hatching

Embryo, Nutrient and Gas Exchange and Transport, Mineralization, Placenta and Placentation, Reproduction, Hatching, Egg

Serena Kim, Massimiliano Garzia, Lila Oualim, Mark Tchinov