Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

Mechanics and Optics of Cyanobacteria: How to Survive over Billions of Years

Survival mechanisms, photosynthesis, buoyancy regulation, light-sensing or phototaxis, bacteria, gliding motility, biofilm

Maria Delgopiatof, Max Bai, Sierra Bushey, Valerie Syme

Life-Sustaining Processes of the Diatom

Diatoms, life cycles, biomineralization, reproduction, reactive oxygen species, biochemistry

Peter Matthews-Crochetiere, Daniel Ibrahim, Wenan Liao, Cedric Mackay

Cellular and Echolocation Analysis: The Bat Ear

Ear anatomy, bats, echolocation, biomimicry, signal processing, frequency

Laura Jahchan, Aidan Licoppe, Alessio Palladino, Shu Yuan Zhang

Biomolecular Design of Veins and Arteries

Vascular system, nitric oxide, biosensors, tissue engineering, endothelial cells

Akash Aniche, Hubert Laflamme, Deisha Paliwal, Julianna Raabel

The Biomolecular Design of the Eye

Photoreception, Eye anatomy, Lenses, Isomerization, Visual Spectrum

Tuna Gedik, Nassib Hassouna, Mohul Sharma, Michelle Sateen Yazbek