Molecular and Cell Biology

The Chemistry Lying Deep Within a Volvox Colony

Abstract Despite their apparent simplicity as microorganisms, Volvox are extremely complex living systems whose secrets have yet to be fully uncovered. This paper dives deep within Volvox to tackle the key chemical phenomena responsible for the basic functioning of the colony. The chemical processes involved in Volvox reproduction are based

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The Biophysics of Volvox

Abstract Volvox are microscopic colonial algae that are heavily studied as they are one of the simplest examples of multicellular organisms. Composed of hundreds to tens of thousands of individual cells moving in harmony, they are the source of several mesmerizing phenomena, each of them serving a purpose for the

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Art in Symmetry: Mathematical Models that Dictate Radiolarian Structures

– ABSTRACT – This essay explores the fascinating intersection of mathematics and biology through the study of Radiolaria, which are intricate marine protozoa known for their symmetrical skeletal structures. The idea of symmetry is the core of this investigation, highlighting how radial and bilateral formations in Radiolaria are not only

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Unveiling the Chemistry of Radiolaria: Exploring Elemental Insights and Environmental Significance

– ABSTRACT – The Radiolarian species are a diverse group of marine microorganisms. They are known for their intricate and multi-functional silica skeletons. Due to rough oceanic conditions, the formation of a hard silica shell through biomineralization allows them to maintain their shape. The dissolution of their siliceous skeletons at

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A Mathematical Analysis of Hydra

Abstract Hydrae present interesting physical properties, chemical properties and finally, mathematical properties. This organism may not be able to consciously make any computations, but that does not mean that mathematics cannot be used to model behaviors of this organism and gain a greater understanding of how it functions. The goal

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A Chemical Analysis of Hydra

Abstract This paper aims to obtain a better understanding of the chemical properties of Hydras. It describes the structure of the body of the Hydra as well as its behavior and interactions with its environment, with a focus on chemistry. Regeneration is a crucial part of Hydra’s survival, and the

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Analysis of the Survival Mechanisms of Hydra

Abstract This paper aims to get a better understanding of the physical properties of Hydras. It describes the structure of the body of the Hydra as well as its behavior and interactions with its environment, with a focus on physics. Despite its relatively simple nervous system, characterized by a nerve

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An Investigation into the Chemical Properties of Gonium

ABSTRACT  Gonium is a genus of multicellular green algae with chemical systems of high complexity developed by generations of evolution. Gonium is an autotroph and exhibits a variety of chemical photocycles that control its behavior without a central nervous system. Because Gonium has no cellular differentiation, chemical systems exist separately

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An Investigation of the Physical Properties of Gonium

ABSTRACT Gonium pectorale is a small 16-celled photosynthetic algae that provides a refreshing outlook on the evolution of green algae and the concept of modularity. Each individual cell operates with its own two flagella, which are propulsion appendages, and an eyespot, an optical light sensor. Without a central nervous system,

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Formidable Foraminifera, Facing Unfavorable Conditions: A Chemical Analysis

Abstract Armed with their network of pseudopodia and armoured by their distinctive shells, foraminifera are single-celled protists known for being ecologically successful marine microorganisms. Rare are the eukaryotes capable of surviving in oxygen-depleted environments, and rarer still are those that have evolved to prefer anoxic or hypoxic conditions, and yet

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Phenotypic Adaptation of Daphnia Throughout Evolution

Abstract Daphnia, referred to as water fleas due to their distinctive hop-and-sink swimming pattern, are commonly found navigating freshwater lakes and ponds. Their phenotype, finely tuned to their environment and way of life, is dynamically adaptive throughout their lifecycle, showcasing variations in eye size, carapace shape, and swimming behaviors. Their compound

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