Category: Reproduction
Trends Between Senescence, Longevity, and Internal Biological Properties in Living Organisms
Senescence, longevity, ageing, metabolism, deterioration, lifespan
Alex Butler, Sophie McLean, Alexandru Toma, Kevin Xu
Functional Interpretations of Chemotaxis in Migrating Organisms
Chemotaxis, Migration, Trophic Systems, Isotopes, Gene Expression, Diadromy, Osmoregulation
Trina Fearon, Taymour El Gamal, Karim Mustafa
An Overview of Chemical Communications in Interspecies Mutualism Relationships
Mutualism, Predator-Prey, Pheromones, Insects, Chemical Communication, Parasitic/Parasitoid
Dorothy Ma, Beth Cushnie, Anh Ngo, Tanoulu Li
Chemical Adaptation in Viviparous Birthing and Oviparous Hatching
Embryo, Nutrient and Gas Exchange and Transport, Mineralization, Placenta and Placentation, Reproduction, Hatching, Egg
Serena Kim, Massimiliano Garzia, Lila Oualim, Mark Tchinov
Animal Communication: A Physical Review
Structural Coloration, Photonics, Echolocation, Electrocommunication, Nanostructures, Signaling
Adam Khan, Janique Mayrand, Olivia Ouellet, Angela Wang
The Mechanics and Rates of Organic Matter Decomposition
Decomposition and Degradation, Chemotaxis, Collective Feeding, Organic Matter, Photodegradation, Bacteria, Climate Change
Graeme McDougall, Jeongbin Shin, Mona Wang, Ritchie Yu
Courtship and Mating: the Physics of Sexual Dimorphism and its Evolutionary Function
Reproduction, Dimorphism, Evolution, Optics, Bioluminescence, Biomechanics, Courtship and Mating
Liam Fetherstonhaugh, Joseph Grotsky, Chloe Jacquet, Samuel Nidelli
Evolution of Mammary Glands and the Biomechanics of Mammalian Lactation
Lactation, Adaptation and Evolution, Biomechanics, Mammals, Milk and Dairy
Ayoub Rabhi, Zach Gurberg, Di Ah Lim, Olivia Clague
Biomechanics of the Evolutionary Arms Race
Evolution and Adaptation, Biomechanics, Competition, Predator-Prey, Horn, Stress
Tri Vinh Truong, Steven Xu, Emma Wong, Quinten Bennett
Biomechanical Adaptations of the Uterus During Parturition and Birthing
Birthing, Collagen, Contractions, Uterus, Mucus
Serena Kim, Massimiliano Garzia, Lila Oualim, and Mark Tchinov
Design, Purpose and Specificity of the Narwhal’s Tusk
Narwhals, tusks, ivory, dental anatomy, growth mechanisms, elephants
Taegan Hallahan, Emma Martin, Marion Vandewynckele-Bossut, Mianchen Wang
Regulation of the Gut and its Effect on Animal Behavior
Gastrointestinal system, gut microbiome, biochemical pathways, neurotransmitters, complex system of equations
Trevor Hum, Xavier Santerre, Kyle Vamvakas, Mathilde Wagner