Category: Perception
How mathematics governs the nature of tentacles
Tentacles, muscles, simulations, geometry, cylinders, flagella
Yousif Al Shajlawi, Henry Bain, Charles Barakett, Julianna Bede
Speed, Sense, and Strike: The Biochemistry of Tentacles and their Chemical Interactions with the Environment
Tentacles, muscle tissue, suction, regeneration, sensing, signal propagation
Yousif Al Shajlawi, Henry Bain, Charles Barakett, Julianna Bede
Geometry is Key: Mathematical Modeling of Whiskers and Antennae
Whiskers, antennae, geometry, Euler spiral, sensing
Yen Chuang, Giselle De Leon, Anna Xuyao Shi, Ella (Yaxin) Wang
Comparison of Antenna and Whisker Functions in Different Environments
Antennae, whiskers, sensing, signal processing, mechanosensing
Yen Chuang, Giselle De Leon, Anna Xuyao Shi, Ella (Yaxin) Wang
An Advantageous Appendage: the Biomechanical Design of Tentacles and their Adaptation for the Aquatic Environment
Tentacles, cephalopods, limb mechanics, material properties, Tendrils, kinematics
Yousif Al Shajlawi, Henry Bain, Julianna Bede
The Life Cycle of the Whiskers and Antennae of Animals and Insects
Whiskers, antennae, barbels, sensing, receptors, morphology, regeneration
Yen Chuang, Giselle De Leon, Anna Xuyao Shi, Ella (Yaxin) Wang
A Chemical Review of Animal Tongue Functions
Tongue, Chemical Cues/Chemosensors, Adhesion, Hunt, Taste Discrimination, Mucin, Evolution
Shunyuan Xiao, Marc Srour, Sophie Allard
Resonating Devices in Nature for Communication and Information Reception
Acoustic Resonance, Harmonics, Mating, Tymbals and Tympanas, Helmholtz Resonator, Echolocation, Vibration
Archinlin Wang, Henry Stephenson, Syphax Ramdani, Zachary Flynn
Chemical Mechanisms of Resonating Devices in Animals for Communication and Information Reception
Resonating Devices/Acoustic Resonance, Communication/Information Conveyance and Reception, Protein Crystallization, Mechanotransduction, Echolocation, Amplification, Composite Biomaterials and Biopolymers
Archinlin Wang, Henry Stephenson, Syphax Ramdani, Zachary Flynn
Superpowers in the Animal Kingdom
Sensory Adaptation and Systems, Echolocation, UV (Vision), Magnetism, Electroreception, Sharks, Bats, Fish
Yaman Al Janaideh, David Bettan, Kaitlyn Cribb, Vanessa Piché