Bioengineering Hyperbook

Department of Bioengineering

About Us

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Department Chair

Dan V. Nicolau

Dan V. Nicolau is the founding Chair of McGill University’s Department of Bioengineering at the Faculty of Engineering. He has degrees in Chemical Engineering (PhD., MEng) and in Statistics, Cybernetics & Information Technology (M.Sc.). His research has covered polymer chemistry and physico-chemistry, surface science and engineering, micro- and nanofabrication for semiconductor and biomedical devices, process modeling and control, molecular modeling, protein adsorption, and biomimetics.

Macdonald Engineering Building, Room 375
817 Sherbrooke Street West
Montréal, Quebec H3A 0C3
+1 514 398 8261


Assistant Professor

Natalie Reznikov

Natalie Reznikov is an Assistant Professor at McGill University’s Department of Bioengineering at the Faculty of Engineering. She obtained her M.Sc. at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, and her PhD. at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. Her research covered skeletal biology, structure-function relationships in living organisms, biomineralization, electron microscopy and 3D-imaging, and deep learning in image processing.                                                               

Pavillon des Sciences Biologiques (SB), 5th floor
141 du Président-Kennedy Avenue
Montréal, Quebec H2X 3X8
+1 514 441 4536

*Please contact and Dr. Natalie Reznikov if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions for the website or the essays.

Course Assistants

2024 Season

Sophie picture

Sophie McLean

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Arnaud Benchetrite

Ian Chuang

Ian Chuang

2023 Season

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Arnaud Benchetrite

Adam Photo

Adam Chatelan


Isabelle Dummer

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Shafaq Nami

2022 Season

2021 Season

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Shafaq Nami


Beth Cushnie


Laura Camila Penuela Cardenas


Samuel Bernard